EnerVenue is challenging conventional energy storage design with its differentiated technology

Fire safety, limited lifespan and costly augmentation scenarios are among the critical risks that project owners and financiers must confront when deploying Li-ion technology in their stationary energy storage projects. 

But there is a better solution, and stakeholders are learning they don’t have to accept the limitations of Lithium-ion. Simply put, EnerVenue delivers where Li-ion cannot. 

It is time to augment your expectations, not your battery: 

Fire, thermal runaway and explosion risk

  • Fire and explosion risk of Li-ion batteries are well-documented, and can result from manufacturing defects, system design flaws, charging issues, low quality components, among others 
  • Fire incidents pose a revenue risk that could severely inhibit profitability through system downtime and equipment repair/replacement costs
  • “Safety issues related to lithium-ion batteries further restrict the use of lithium-ion batteries in long duration energy storage applications.”
    —Wood Mackenzie

Maximum safety

  • Energy Storage Vessels pose no thermal runaway risk and no risk of fire propagation (read our UL9540A test summary)
  • No costly/complex fire suppression system is needed, reducing CAPEX and OPEX considerations 
  • Trouble-free operation in NASA applications dating back 30 years, in environments where safety if paramount

Limited cycle life

  • Cycling limitations hinder a plant’s ability to deliver consistent revenue to system owners over the long-term
  • Li-ion’s chemistry is subject to much more severe degradation, which occurs much faster, often as early as 2,000 cycles
  • Uncertain or inconsistent degradation can complicate servicing while interrupting system uptime

Unmatched long-term durability

  • Energy Storage Vessels feature an ultra-long life, with an expected 30 year, 30,000 cycle life with the ability to cycle up to three times per day 
  • Enables unique applications and business models for developers, integrators, and owners
  • Projected 86% capacity remaining after 30,000 cycles at C/2 (2-hour discharge duration) 
  • Vessels retain asset value at end of project life because a second life is possible as an alternative to recycling 

High operational costs

  • Battery chemistry is subject to severe, unpredictable degradation, which necessitates complex, frequent maintenance
  • Augmentation is typically required every five years to ensure reliable energy performance, eroding project economics and ROI
  • System downtime due to O&M can compromise expected revenue streams
  • Monitoring and maintenance expenses due to complex auxiliary HVAC and fire suppression systems are costly and reduce overall system efficiency

Superior levelized cost of storage (LCOS)

  • EnerVenue eliminates O&M costs that system owners traditionally considered “standard” in financial modeling scenarios
  • Unlike Li-ion, no augmentation is needed to maintain performance throughout the life of the system
  • Energy Storage Vessels do not require the robust HVAC and fire suppression systems that Li-ion do, reducing monitoring and maintenance obligations
  • Maximum plant uptime allows system owners to capitalize on revenue streams that Li-ion cannot

Limited application flexibility

  • Li-ion batteries have a very specific set of operational conditions that limit a system owner’s ability to maximize revenue
  • Restrictions on over-charge and over-discharge are rigid due to the volatility of battery chemistry, with the potential for extreme damage in deep discharge scenarios
  • Li-ion battery power and energy capacity are coupled, rendering the technology economically unviable to provide long duration energy storage services

Unmatched application versatility

  • EnerVenue delivers flexible dispatch from 2 to 12 hours with phenomenal overcharge, discharge and deep-cycle performance
  • Single battery chemistry allows developers and EPCs to standardize design and installation practices
  • Multiple use-cases can be achieved with the same battery, maximizing revenue stacking opportunities 

High investment risk

  • Augmentation costs can put profitability at risk, especially when the question isn’t whether to augment, but when? 
  • “The short technical life of a Li-ion battery makes augmentation essential to meet project lifespans.”
    —Wood Mackenzie 
  • Minerals needed to produce Li-ion batteries are already in short supply, and the growth of the electric vehicle market introduces further risk to procurement 
  • “Soaring battery raw materials prices have caused growing concerns about using lithium-ion batteries in energy storage applications.” 
    —Wood Mackenzie 

The most secure investment for stationary energy storage

  • Only EnerVenue offers Capacity Assurance™ – the industry’s longest, simplest and most straightforward extended warranty for stationary batteries
  • EnerVenue warranties aren’t predicated on narrow use cases, allowing greater application flexibility and more potential to capture multiple revenue streams 
  • Plant owners can significantly manage risk and backstop their investments with Capacity Assurance, which offers a 20-year/20,000 cycle warranty extension, at least 88% battery capacity remaining guaranteed, which no other battery manufacturer can match
  • EnerVenue vessels are made with Earth-abundant materials found readily available on any continent